Harten, a once prospering kingdom, full of promise, is now under siege by the demons of another realm, they arrived under the full, red moon of Okrin the god of chaos and destruction, through a portal of unknown origin. The people of this land are trembling with fear, and rightly so, anybody who was brave or foolish enough to stand their ground now lay lifeless on the abandoned, grimy city streets. The survivors are now in hiding, deep inside the mountains of Greydawn, a neutral ground, a border to the undiscovered lands to the east. Two stars on the blood red night sky, two wanderers now arrive in these lands to repel the demon horde and close the portals once and for all. They hold a secret, and the invaders give them a wide berth, but why? Who are these strange characters?
TouchArcade Game of the Week: Moonshades
PocketGamer: Moonshades is a dungeon crawler inspired by Eyes of the Beholder that's available now for iOS
Cult of Mac: Exclusive: Moonshades is an old school dungeon-crawler